ShareClick to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) “Guilty of Godliness” | John 10 (PM) January 12, 2020 Pastor Donny John “The Hands of Jesus” | Luke 24 (AM) January 12, 2020 Pastor Meader Luke “Knowing His Presence” | Matthew 28 (Wed.) January 8, 2020 Pastor Meader Matthew “The Buck Stops Here” | John 10 (PM) January 5, 2020 Pastor Donny John “A Message From God” | Psalm 81 (AM) January 5, 2020 Pastor Meader Psalms “Exercising Unto Godliness” | 1 Timothy 4:7 (Wed.) January 1, 2020 Pastor Meader 1 Timothy